Please read carefully
The cost of health care, especially hospitalisation, operations, special tests and drugs, is expensive. There is no longer a Medical Association nor a Medical Aid Tariff rate as this was deemed unacceptable by the Competitions Commissioner.
Each medical aid or insurance fund decides on its own level of reimbursement. Some pay our standard fee. Many do not. We can provide a quotation and an estimate of the cost before you agree to any treatment.
We work closely with healthcare funders and medical schemes but we usually expect you to settle your account with us directly and then claim it back from your medical aid. Consultation fees are to be settled immediately. A discount is offered for immediate settlement.
Fees for procedures such as gastroscopy and colonoscopy and operations can be settled immediately for a discount. We will submit your account to your medical aid where we are allowed to. You will receive a copy indicating this. Most medical aids require you to sign and submit the account.
Certain procedures are paid out of your savings account by the Medical Aid . Please ensure that you have enough funds. Please contact us if you do not receive an account promptly. Late submission to Medical Aid may result in your claim being rejected.
Any discounts given also fall away if account not timeously paid. Payment of your account within 30 days of receipt remains your responsibility unless other written arrangements have been made. Interest at prime +3% accrues after 30 days. Overdue accounts are handed over to a debt collection agent.
Where necessary, you will be assited in all the required documentation and the procedures for obtaining authorisation from your medical aid and you will recieve a detailed statement of your account. Please discuss these issues with your surgeon.